With competition for places to study medicine at an all-time high, preparation is key. As one of the leading medical applications specialists in the UK, here at William Clarence, we understand the importance of starting work with students well in advance to give them the best chance of acquiring a place. 

Many students come from different educational systems, often less specialised than the UK’s. Therefore, it is crucial we help our students broaden their knowledge of medicine through tailored programmes designed by our medicine application experts.  

We often start work with students before they turn 16 to assist them in making correct school subject choices and give them a deeper understanding of a subject through wider reading, mentoring and discussion of key themes and current ‘hot topics’ in medicine in the UK.  


Preparing For a Successful Application 

There are multiple ways to work with our mentors to help prepare for a successful medical application. Be sure to consider multiple universities, and keep an eye on the closing dates for each application 

Make sure to consult our additional resources on applying for medical school: 

Our Specialist Medical Applications team services:

  • Monthly mentoring sessions focusing on various medical topics.
  • Early support for students before they turn 16 to help them make informed school subject choices.
  • Guidance on obtaining the necessary work experience for a strong application.
  • Mentoring includes exploration of the General Medical Council’s guide to good medical practice, the NHS long-term plan, and medical ethics.
  • Encourages students to actively participate in their own learning.
  • Helps students to identify and develop the skills and strengths needed for medical school applications.
Speak to a Medical Advisor today

Our Unique Medical Mentoring

Our medical mentoring programme ensures that students have a solid understanding of the General Medical Council’s guide to good medical practice, the NHS long term plan, the pillars of ethics and latest developments in the field. From AI in Medicine to Organ Donations to Vaccinations, we cover all the pertinent topics to keep our students informed and prepared. 

We offer monthly mentoring, usually one to two hours, to allow students to explore different subject options and start early on improving their knowledge of a subject. The year before application our mentoring students start on a full application package and use all they have learnt in their personal statement and at interview.  

How we can help prepare you

Mentors will also be able to advise on the work experience necessary for a strong application to Medicine. Most UK universities require that students have more than 70 hours of relevant work experience in a mix of primary, secondary and tertiary care. 

Mentoring allows our students not only to make good decisions about what work experience to pursue, but also to draw on precisely the aptitude, skills and strengths that will need to be highlighted in their personal statements and their interviews, so that they are active, future-minded participants in their own learning.   

Work experience might be able to be completed during the summer before embarking on their post-16 studies, or often the summer in the middle of their post-16 studies, just prior to application in October of that year.