The final part of a Medicine application is being asked to interview. This crucial stage marks the culmination of your journey towards securing a place on one of the UK’s most competitive university courses. 

For those who have done well enough in the admissions test and with a strong personal statement, interviews are the chance to showcase all the background work that has been done. We understand the significance of this moment and are dedicated to providing our students with the guidance needed to excel.

Our medicine application experts at William Clarence have helped many budding medical students over the years with their applications. If you would like to hear more about how we can help with all aspects of your medicine application, then please get in touch with the team today.

Real MMI stations from recent medicine application interviews:

  • Are visible tattoos appropriate for medical professionals?
  • You are a surgeon in charge of assigning organs to transplant patients. A donor heart has become available, but there are two patients that need it. One is a 20-year-old homeless man who is a regular drug user, and the other is a 40-year-old woman with two children. Who gets the heart?
  • With the rise of AI, could all doctors one day be replaced by robots?

How we help with Medicine Application Interviews

  • Guidance on preparing for MMIs and traditional panel interviews.
  • Focus on communication skills, ethical reasoning, critical thinking, and situational judgment.
  • Conduct mock interviews simulating real MMI stations and panel interviews.
  • Discuss key questions, moral and ethical issues, and current developments in medicine.
  • Detailed feedback on interview performance to help students improve.
  • Extensive resources and knowledge bank to help students ace their interviews.


Speak to a Medicine Application Specialist

Medicine Application Interviews

Most medical schools use MMIs (multiple mini interviews), but there are several that still use more traditional panel interviews. 

The Multiple Mini Interview (MMI) is a modern approach to assessing candidates; instead of the traditional one-on-one interview format, MMIs consist of several short, structured interview stations, each focusing on different aspects of a candidate's abilities, such as communication skills, ethical reasoning, critical thinking, and situational judgement. At each station, applicants are presented with a scenario or task and are given a brief period to respond or discuss their approach with an interviewer or actor. MMIs aim to provide a more comprehensive evaluation of a candidate's suitability for a career in medicine by assessing various skills and attributes essential for success in the field.

Medical schools like the MMI format because it enables them to see how applicants respond to practical scenarios and they can test many skills and qualities in different situations in quick succession. A student who can showcase their communication skills and ability to make pressured decisions is invaluable. 

Best Medinicine Interview Performance

The best performances in MMI are from students who are very prepared, knowledgeable and experienced; three elements that we pride ourselves on helping instill in the students we work with. The knowledge bank needed to ace an MMI is enormous, but our expert medicine consultants know what kinds of stations are most likely to appear each year and which topics recur. We know how to extrapolate key values and skills from our students’ work experience and how to help students showcase these at interview. 

Expert preparation and Mock interviews

At the appropriate time, we will carry out mock interviews and discuss key questions, moral and ethical issues and current developments in medicine in order to fully prepare our students for the rigorous nature of the interview process. At William Clarence we have access to real mark schemes for recent MMI’s conducted by medical schools and are uniquely positioned to help our students prepare for their interviews.

For panel interviews, preparation is paramount and there are many questions and topics that a student will need to consider. However, it is important that answers are not memorised as these can seem over-rehearsed. Interview practice is key!