What you need to know about relocating to the UK to study
Every year thousands of families move to the UK, lured by the offer of work, a change in lifestyle or the desire to give their children a British education. We’re proud to have some of the world’s best schools and universities on our shores but how do you navigate our complex education system and ensure your child is in the right place?
Here’s what you need to know before you move.
Plan ahead
Good schools have long waiting lists and it’s common for parents to put their child’s name down while they’re still in nappies. Some schools will want your child to be registered ahead of receipt of the independent school application so you need to think about this long before you put your house on the market. Interested in Oxford or Cambridge university? The deadline for applications is almost a year before the course starts so you can’t delay. It’s difficult to organise all this from abroad but our educational consultants are here to help.
Our schooling system is not straightforward
Whether your child is just starting prep school or gearing up for A Levels, the independent schooling system is complex. The glossy brochures only convey so much and it’s impossible to understand how each school works without inside knowledge. Our school placement consultants have personal relationships with leading independent schools. We advise on school entrance at 7+, 8+, 11+ and 13+ and university applications after that.
Work out what you want
Are you in Britain for a couple of years or indefinitely? Do you want boarding or a day school? Single-sex or co-ed? Religious or not? Knowing what you want and don’t want can help you make the best decision. Talk to us and let us compile the shortlist based on your needs. We know which prep schools to attend to improve your chances of winning a place in the senior school of your choice and what to expect in the entrance exams. Whether you have your eye on Oxbridge or Harvard, we can prepare for that too.
Accept that money only goes so far
A healthy budget ensures schools with higher fees are within your reach but in order to select the best students, many schools rely on entrance exams and interviews. All the money in the world won’t get your daughter into (boys’ only) Eton and if it’s an international school you’re after, you may find it needs access to previous school records and teachers’ recommendations. Our educational advisors know what you need and can prepare you for all eventualities.
Be prepared for British life
And we don’t just mean pack an umbrella. Our leading schools are steeped in traditions and quirks that include boaters and tailcoats, lacrosse and Latin that can overwhelm parents and future pupils. Some schools may require pupils have English language tuition before starting. Some schools will want children to spend a morning with them before offering a place. Our consultants can organise all of this.
Find the right fit
Your understanding of British schools might come from films and books and you may be seduced by the idea that your child should attend the most expensive school or the one that produced the most prime ministers. We read behind the headlines. We work with your family to find a school in which your child will thrive. Whether they’re academic, sporty, musical or in need of extra pastoral support, we’ll find the school that fits.
We can move you on
Just as we advise on relocation to the UK, we can help you move elsewhere. We work with schools and universities all round the world to ensure the transition out of Britain is as smooth as possible.
William Clarence Education offers unbiased advice on UK School and University Placement, Oxbridge Admissions, US College Applications, UCAS application and extensive support for parents and students in all aspects of preparing for entry to the UK.
Please contact us on 02074128988 to discuss your particular needs, or email info@williamclarence.com