William Clarence Education Launches International Search for Student ‘Star of the Year’ 2019

William Clarence Education Launches International Search for Student ‘Star of the Year’ 2019

January 24th 2019

Star of the Year 2019 will be the first of an annual competition to attract entrants of school and university age around the world to receive a full school or university consultancy programme, with all tutoring fees also granted to the winner.

Each year will see a school placement winner – for students aged at the main entry levels of 11,13, and 16 – and also a university level winner, who will be awarded entry into a UK undergraduate placement.

As the leading education consultancy and advisory in the UK, we want to open up the very best of UK education to everyone – regardless of nationality or background. We’re looking for any students that aim high, love their subject and want to achieve more. We will be working in partnership with all kinds of schools during this process, so applicants don’t, necessarily, have to be brainy or academic – just passionate, talented, and hard-working. We are interested in super-bright, arty, creative, sporting, and also more vocational students.

We aim to use this opportunity to connect with a diverse range of talented students, and to give more children from all walks of life a shot at the school or university of their dreams. We also welcome the opportunity to partner with more key schools and universities in the UK and showcase the very best British education has to offer to families at home and overseas. British schools and universities are frequently referred to as the gold standard in education, and we want to open up that wealth of opportunities to more talented students.

To view entry requirements, and for more information on deadlines and shortlisting, click here.

William Clarence Education invites any student wishing to make an application to email star@williamclarence.com with any queries and to submit entry materials. We also invite any UK academic institutions interested in the initiative to get in touch via williamclarence.com.

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