Undergraduate application for Business Management

UK University Consultancy


A German student approached William Clarence with a view to studying either Business Management or Finance and Accounting. They were concerned that they had not thoroughly researched the field; feeling that they did not possess adequate information to make an informed choice regarding both university and course choice; they did not know where or how to begin their research.

As such the student worked with Rebecca Dowbiggin to review a long list of options (for both universities and courses) before focusing on Business Management. Reviews of the student’s academic profile and long-term aspirations allowed for the refining of a short list; the student made ambitious choices in terms of applying to five high-ranking universities.

The student was supported through the process of applying through UCAS; wider reading recommendations supported guided applications for work experience and the student was able to build a strong profile to evidence in their personal statement. 


The student received 5/5 offers and is looking forward to studying at their top choice: The University of Bath

If you are in need of an experienced UCAS application and advisor, call us today to see how we can help.

