Can a top-performing school have a great SEN department, or are the two mutually exclusive?

There is a misconception among some parents that schools which cater well for SEN cannot enable other children to perform to the highest educational standards. It has always been a false assumption, and in a rapidly-changing world it is more wrong than ever.

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Choosing the right school: why London parents should look beyond the M25

Schools in London have little incentive to be different. There is a vast array of outstanding schools within easy reach of the capital, and the services of a good school placement agency can be invaluable in finding the right one for your child

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Importance of SEN provisions in schools

All students can thrive when correct support and educational provisions are provided, and a number of schools offer SEN provisions, with varying levels of support and services, but what does it mean?

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When do we start Teaching Integrity?

If we can teach children from the very start of school about the importance of teamwork, compromise, co-existence, and behavior that benefits all, then Peter Tait thinks society might have a chance...

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Choosing a guardian for international students in the UK: what parents need to know

The vast majority of UK schools will require their international students to have a UK-based educational guardian, but how do you choose the right person?

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Choosing a School for your SEN child

Choosing a school for any child can be daunting, and doubly so for a child with special educational needs (SEN). So how do you go about it?

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The New Education

It has never been easier to opt out of formal schooling in the UK. What we need is a system that caters for a wider range of abilities using a wider range of providers.

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What can parents do to help 3+ assessments?

Even as young as two, some parents are already embarking into the mad and unsettling world of 3+ assessments. Here are some things they can do to help prepare their children...

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Global mobility, social mobility: why sending your child to boarding school will make a difference to their future.

There is one message which parents invariably communicate: they want the very, very best for their children’s education - this is where the great boarding schools of the UK, the US and Europe really shine

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British Schools Abroad

The difference between schools run by GEMS, and those established by British public schools, is that independent schools are invariably charities, not businesses, which prompts the question – how is setting up franchise schools abroad discharging their charitable function?

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The Social Mobility Challenge Facing Independent Schools

Despite efforts to widen the diversity of their entry, UK independent schools are never likely to make a significant difference to the social mix in society, according to Peter Tait

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Turning the Tables

Some 290 schools are about to trial new on-screen tables tests for 7 and 8 year olds - another example of the State getting involved in areas where it doesn’t belong?

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Too Much Choice in Education

Children thrive when life is simple and guidelines are clear - are we offering them too many options in our schools?

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Cheating? Who wins?

Last year, the numbers caught cheating in GCSE and A-level exams in England was up by a quarter on the previous year, and the focus of blame has switched firmly onto the students...

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Spreading the love...? What parents should ask about pupil relationships in school

Parents should not have to shoulder the entire burden of guiding their teenager through their formative young adult years; they need partners, and this, of course, is where parents should turn to schools.

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It's all about you! Tips for tackling the US College personal essay

The US College Admissions essay is the place in an application where your personality can shine through. Susie Cochin de Billy shares her advice on getting started...

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What being an Alumni from one of the Clarendon Schools really means

The Clarendon schools are seen as the gold standard of independent education. Here's why news that the dominance of the Clarendon Schools has diminished in recent years needs to be taken with a pinch of salt...

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Girls in Charge

In light of the row about gender-specific language, The Girls’ School Association has become the latest body under fire - but they have more pressing matters to contend with...

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Where is our Moral Compass?

If we expect our children to grow up with a respect for the rule of law, then we need to teach them about making moral choices and having a value system. Peter Tait explains...

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The Arms Race in Education

Increased spending on new and improved facilities by a number of elite schools allows them to cater for a more diverse student body, but for some families, independent education is more out of reach than ever.

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